The Institute Juan Pablo II was founded in the year 2008, being the same a family undertaking propelled by the educational vocation of the members of the family Ancajima Dulor. It is situated in the city of  San Miguel de Tucumán  and its creation provides an effective response to the wide demand of the increasingly emerging population, year after year, offering spaces for development to adolescents of the secondary school level.

From its inception it was positioned in the educational field  as  a public institution of private management, which complies  wih the general norms issued by the competent authority. In addition it joins their efforts in partnership with provincial efforts to ensure equality of opportunities and to comply with the law of compulsory  Secondary School Education.
The institutional goals are founded in the “ Education for the peace”, reafirming the philosophy of life of the pontiff, who inspired the name of the institution, Pope John Paul II. It intends to educate on the plurality and acceptance of differences, strongly promoting conflict resolution through dialogue and mediation, conception so important  at present time in which vilence wins battles in the youth, Furthermore, active listening is promoted and encouraged in order to understand different points of view, to achieve harmony and balance on a personal level and that the same one is reflected in the groups.

The institution has an integrally new building, air- conditioned classrooms, and the academic orientation is of Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition it offers a bilingual education with hour extension for the english foreing language.

The founding family also intends to transmit values placing emphasis on a moral and ethical education in regard to the integral formation of individuals, with the firm belief that youth is the answer to improve the world  and overcome all the evils that aflict society, transmitting a positive vision of the future sown of hope.